Let's Start Our Climb to $150K! Mt. Washington’s PTA has launched this year’s Direct Appeal fundraiser. We're hoping to raise $150,000 THIS MONTH to ensure we can continue to provide the resources for instruction (including teachers' assistants and social-emotional and mental health supports) and enrichment programs (like art, drama, and physical education) that enhance every student’s experience at Mt. Washington Elementary. Your gift to the MWPTA Direct Appeal is 100% tax deductible, and every dollar benefits the students, their classroom, and their friends. $150K sounds like a lot of money. It IS a lot of money! But we know that we can do it. In the last 18 months we've seen our MWE community show up in extraordinary ways to keep our students, teachers, families, and administrators engaged as we navigated online learning, and we have come back this year as One Mountain again! To get us started with a smile, let's hear from our school's tireless cheerleader, advocate, and fixer, Mrs. Gravino, about why Mt. Washington Elementary means so much to her. https://youtu.be/XIZbMN3REVg We climb mountains one step at a time, and today we hit the trail, so please make your gift today and start us off strong! There are three ways you can give: 1 --- For a one-time contribution or to give monthly, donate directly on our website: mwpta.org/directappeal 2 — Donate through PayPal Giving: http://paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1609662 3 — Write a check payable to "Mount Washington PTA” and drop it at the school’s main office M-F 7:30am-4:00pm QR codes can be scanned from the banners hung up around campus and the neighborhood to easily access our donate page. Go to: mwpta.org/directappeal to find out more about this vital annual campaign. Thank You for your generosity!
